Welcome to newtowncrossing.info, the official website for the Newtown Crossing Community Association.
(newtowncrossing.org redirects here as well.)
Here you will find notices, news, event postings, contact information, and more.
Now, an easier way to pay your NCCA fees.
Use the above form to set up automatic assessment payments. It's safe, easy, and helps improve the cash flow of our community’s budget. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our treasurer, Chuck Potts.
2025 Assessments Increase to $40
After 2 years at $38, the assessments for 2025 will increase to $40. The budget summary is:
The complete, detailed budget is posted here.
Beginning January 1, the late fee for accounts more than 30 days in arrears will be $25. If an account remains delinquent an additional fee will be applied every quarter.
New Courts!
NCCA Board Members: Katie, Michael, Vince, Carl, Rob
The newly resurfaced courts are open and ready for action. Just a few rules:
The courts are for Newtown Crossing Residents, only.
Please play using proper athletic footwear. (No pointy heels)
No play after sundown.
Trash Cans as Obstacles
Homeowners—there have been some complaints about people leaving their trash cans on sidewalks. Please remember that sidewalks are for walking. Some, the elderly, people with baby strollers, and youngsters with bicycles and tricycles, have difficulty navigating around trash cans on sidewalks. Please be considerate and put your trash can in the street for pick up and then return it to your property. Please do not leave trash cans on the sidewalk.
An Explanation of Cyanuric Acid Use in Pools
Cyanuric acid (CYA), also known as chlorine stabilizer or pool conditioner, is a critical chemical that stabilizes the chlorine in your pool. Without cyanuric acid, your chlorine will quickly break down under the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Because cyanuric acid protects chlorine from the sun, it’s really only required for outdoor pools (or indoor pools with some ultraviolet light exposure). CYA stays in a swimming pool for a long time, even after the water evaporates.
But having too little or too much CYA in your pool can inhibit your chlorine’s effectiveness and even damage your pool equipment. That’s why maintaining the right cyanuric acid levels is so important to help your chlorine actively kill bacteria, contaminants, and algae.
Remember, more cyanuric acid does not mean more protection from the sun. If your CYA levels are high, you may experience algae growth or cloudy pool water. That’s because your chlorine’s effectiveness is reduced.
Who May Use Newtown Crossing’s Pool?
Any resident of Newtown Crossing, as long as their assessment fees are not in arrears, may use the community pool after obtaining a pool tag and updated sticker for the current year. “Newtown Crossing” does not include Liberty Square nor Eagle Ridge. Residents may purchase guest passes for non-residents at the pool. Pool guests must be accompanied by residents. Any questions not answered by the Pool Rules, please contact Katie Lukomski
The Newtown Crossing Community Association will remove trees on common ground if they are dead; if they are uprooting; if they are severely damaged in a storm, and if they are clearly dying from disease. The association will not trim common ground trees near homes or trim branches from common ground trees that extend over a homeowner's fence. The homeowner may choose to cut the branches that extend over their property. Any further questions should be directed to the Newtown Crossing Board of Directors.
Vince Roe—Newest NCCA Board Member
Vince has been a resident of Newtown Crossing since 2018, often spotted exploring the neighborhood with his beloved brindle Boxer, Theo. By profession, he serves as a Data Analyst for George School, while also dedicating his time to volunteer work at Tyler State Park. With a passion for community and a keen eye for detail, Vince brings his experience and a natural curiosity to the board. He is committed to preserving the charm and vitality of Newtown Crossing. Don't hesitate to say hello when you see him around!.
Vince was appointed by the Board at the May meeting to fill the seat made vacant by the retirement of Pete Ancona. Please see the (above) 2024 ballot—also sent via email. Thereby you will have a chance to give Vince a full term and also reelect Rob Hewski to a second term.
Your Underground Tank
Speaking of fuel oil tanks (see the Spring Newsletter) NC Resident and realtor Travus Gehret sent a note about a “…government assistance program for leaking underground oil tanks.”
Jim Downey Memorial Bench Dedicated
Foreground: Jay and Karen Downey, Jim's son and wife. Background: NCCA Board & Officers: Susan Hepp, secretary, Carl Ruzicka, member, Joanne Urquhart, former secretary, Pete Ancona, current president, and Bob Donatelli, treasurer.
On a sunny Tuesday in late October, family, friends, and residents gathered to formally dedicate the Jim Downey memorial bench. Just past Union St. by the woods and facing Mill Pond Road, the bench provides both a lasting memory of the more than 30 years of service Jim gave to Newtown Crossing, and a pleasant spot to stop and enjoy the view.
Easter Egg Hunt Fun at the Manor House
Thanks to the efforts of Rachel
Please, always keep your dog on its leash. It's not only the right thing to do—it's the law in PA.
Joanne Urqhart was presented with a commemorative plaque and a bracelet in recognition of her 35 years of service to our community. Board president Pete Ancona headed a delegation which met at Joanne's home in December.
Because our Board members…
as well as many community members, donate many hours of their time for the benefit of our community, our assessments continue to remain among the lowest in the area. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.
FYI: Here's a 2022 comparison of area communities' fees with our Newtown Crossing HOA fees ($38/mo) (subject to change) |
Phillips Court |
460/mo (no pool) |
Newtown Station |
Condos 450/mo (no pool); Townhomes 465/mo |
Hill Haven |
378/mo |
Newtown Walk |
385/mo (no pool) |
Barclay Court |
283/mo |
Delancey Court |
285/mo |
The Villas of Newtown 55+ |
275/mo includes indoor and outdoor pools & fitness Center |
Newtown Gate |
Over 55 235/mo; Townhomes 129/mo; Singles 150/quarter |
Liberty Square |
$223/mo |
Kirkwood |
Singles 192/mo Townhomes 568/yr |
Eagle Ridge |
175/mo |
Society Place |
179/mo |
Headley Trace |
185/mo |
Country Bend |
Condos 180/mo; Singles 165/quarter |
Crowne Point |
190/mo |
Raintree |
155/mo |
Windermere |
155/mo (includes pool) |
Newtown Park Plaza 700’Condos |
144/mo |
Tyler Walk |
138/quarter (pool extra) |
Brookside |
133/mo |
Fountain Farm/The Quarters |
129-235/mo |
Newtown Grant |
Townhomes 90-155/quarter (pool extra); Singles 138/quarter |
Wiltshire Walk |
120/quarter (no pool) |
Newtown Crossing |
35/mo 105/quarter (includes pool) |
Clivedon Estates/Eagle View |
25/mo (no pool) |
On Getting Involved
Newtown Crossing's Board of Directors has managed the affairs in their charge as defined in the Covenants & By-Laws without the need for an external property management service since its inception in 1975, keeping our monthly assessments among the lowest for Planned Residential Developments in the area (see the below for a comparison. This has been accomplished by having board members with strong leadership and communications skills, a hands-on management approach, and work/life experience directly applicable to the efficient operation of an infrastructure-heavy operation like Newtown Crossing.
Residents interested in serving the community as a committee or board member are welcome! We always have a need for capable, interested people to help as part of Pool, Recreation, Maintenance, Manor House, Social or Publicity Committees. If you have an interest and possess relevant skills/experience similar to examples listed below, please reach out to a board member or just feel free to participate in the monthly board meetings and then let us know of your interest.
The success of our community, including keeping our monthly assessments reasonable, depends on involvement by our residents. You can help make a difference in Newtown Crossing!
Rentals of Manor House & Spring House Now Permitted
The Manor House and Spring House are available to rent. We are following the CDC guidelines. At present they are discouraging large gatherings due to a rise in Covid cases. Small family gatherings are permitted.
The Manor House rents for $150.00 along with a $150.00 refundable deposit and the Spring House is $100.00 rent plus $100 deposit.
Contact Bonnie Dettra at 215-860-9818.
The NCCA has no control over ball playing or basketball nets on private property.
Any damage or inconvenience due to basketballs or ball playing is a private concern among residents and should be addressed directly. Have a friendly discussion with your neighbor if you have sustained damage. Common courtesy is appreciated by everyone.
Dog Owners: Thank You!
We are lucky to have so many respectful and considerate dog owners in our community. Ninety-nine percent of them keep their best friends leashed and always clean up after them. We all appreciate it.
Now, if we could just get that last 1% on board…! If you don't do so already, please take the time to help keep our lawns and common areas clean.
Reminder: Ball playing, hockey, etc. is NOT permitted in the playground area or parking lot due to dangers to playground users and personal property in the area. This type of recreation should be done in grass areas away from the playground and personal property to avoid injuries for property damage.
The area has been posted to make clear that all pets (except service dogs) are banned. Thank you for your cooperation.
Help Stop Illegal Dumping
There has been dumping of trash in the area along the NE side of Millpond between the exercise trail behind Eagle Ridge (basically York St. intersection) and the start of the townhomes.Obviously this is not only unneighborly, but also, now that it has been posted, illegal and subject to fines. If you see anyone ignoring the signs, please call the police.
HOA Billing Address Change
Your HOA quarterly fee envelope will no longer say “Dunlap & Associates” which could be mistaken for junk mail and accidentally discarded.
The return address on both the outer envelope and the statement has been changed to:
Newtown Crossing Community Association
PO Box 793
Souderton, PA, 18964-0793.
Payments are to be made to this address. If you make electronic payments, please check to make sure you are using the above address.
The Newtown Fire Association NEEDS YOUR HELP
Facing added responsibilities caused by world events and local demographics, as well as an ever increasing populous, the Newtown Fire Association needs more volunteer members to suplement its staffing to better protect YOU and YOUR FAMILY. No experience is required for new members, as all needed training will be provided by the NFA. While the hours are less than desirable (24/7), and the work is hard, the feeling of accomplishment and pride make it all worth it. But to add to that, the NFA offers a number of other benefits to its members including life insurance, training classes in most lines of emergency services, a paid per call system, and an in house fitness center. So, if you think you can make a difference, join your friends, neighbors, and local businessmen and women in protecting all you and your family have worked for. JOIN THE NEWTOWN FIRE ASSOCIATION!
Important Sidewalk Notice
Members of the Board of Directors have, over the summer months, received complaints from residents about the condition of sidewalks in front of houses throughout the development.
You should be aware that the homeowner is solely responsible for maintenance of the sidewalk that is in front of their home. Neither the Newtown Crossing Community Association nor Newtown Township has any duty to maintain sidewalks that pass in front of any house. The maintenance duty is not just snow removal.
The duty is to permit safe travel on the sidewalk. So, if your sidewalk is crumbling or has buckled due to tree roots or is just in bad shape, you have the duty to fix it. You have the duty to keep it clean, level, and smooth enough for foot travel.
If you choose not to believe this free legal advice, you can check with your homeowner's insurance carrier. If someone trips or falls and is injured by reason of a defect in your sidewalk, you can face serious financial consequences.
Safety First for Runners
Just a reminder for those who like to run on the streets during the early or late hours when visibility is poor: Wear something either reflective or light colored. While it is true that, as a pedestrian, you always have the right of way, it only makes sense to give drivers the best opportunity possible to see and avoid you.
Newtown Township Tree Ordinance
§101. Tree Trimming. All trees in Newtown Township shall be kept trimmed so that the minimum clearance where they overhang any public walk shall be nine (9) feet and the minimum clearance where they overhang or project into any public street or highway right-of-way shall be eleven (11) feet. However, the Township is hereby given the right to designate a higher clearance on certain highways, where heavy traffic or other conditions make it expedient. All trees, plants or shrubs standing on private property and having branches projecting into or over a public highway or right-of-way, shall be kept trimmed by the owner of such private property so that no portion thereof shall extend into or over a sidewalk or right-of-way below the minimum clearance specified above, or such other clearance as may be specified by the Township. In case the owner of such property shall neglect or refuse to trim such trees, plants or shrubs upon being notified in writing by the Township to do so, the Township may, after the expiration of the date specified in said notice, cause such trimming to be done at the expense of the owner, and the entire cost thereof shall be a lien upon said premises and shall be filed and collected by Newtown Township in the same manner as municipal claims are filed and collected. (Ord. 2004-O-25, 11/17/2004, §I)
Snow Plowing
Newtown Township is responsible for snow removal on the streets of Newtown Crossing,
including the cul-de-sacs.
If your street or cul-de-sac has not been cleared, call 215-968-2800.
Public Safety Alert
No Parking on Cul-de-sac Islands!
Residents (and their guests) that live on cul-de-sac streets with islands are reminded that parking on the islands is not allowed. Several weeks ago, while responding to a carbon monoxide call on King Charles West, the Newtown Fire Department was unable to get trucks to the house because of cars parked on the cul-de-sac island. This happened a number of years ago when a small fire on a Churchill Lane residents deck, spread to the house because fire equipment could not get close enough due to cars blocking the cul-de-sac.
The Fire Department and the NCCA board will be requesting that the township post the islands as no parking so that cars parked on cul-de-sac islands can be ticketed by the police.
In the meantime, it is in everyone's best interest to keep the islands clear in case of an emergency. Thank you.
Newtown Crossing Needs Volunteers
From playground maintenance to repainting the entrance signs at 532 and 332, our community saves money every time we can do the work ourselves.
If you are willing to be put on a list of potential volunteers for odd jobs please send your contact information to this address. and put the word "Volunteer" in the subject field.
A Friendly Reminder About Common Areas in Newtown Crossing
In plain English, it is not permitted to sell anything—like your car, for instance—using the common areas. You can read the official legalese here under "Use of Common Areas". Please note that neither you nor your realtor may place any signage on any common ground. Doing so will result in a $100 fine and who needs that?